Helpful Links
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of genealogy-related websites to help you
with your American family history development. We hope you find these resource
links useful. If you have additional resources that you have found to be quite
helpful, please share them with us.
Family Search - a robust genealogical service provided by The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Find A Grave - find the graves of ancestors, oftentimes the
entry includes family connections, biographies, obituaries, photos, and more
The Genealogy Spot - a free comprehensive genealogy site
USGenWeb Archives - The USGenWeb Project's online data storage
WorldGenWeb - explore the genealogy of other countries
County Office - find government offices in your county
- Mail Lists & Message Boards
- Professional Document Restoration
- Software
Ancestral Quest - a Basics version is available free, as well as a Full version for $30
- FamilyTreeMaker
- now a Mackiev product
Legacy - their Standard Edition is available to download free, as well as a Deluxe version for $30
Roots Magic - a variety of programs are available, including RootsMagic, PersonalHistorian,
FamilyAtlas, and Family Reunion Organizer, plus free trial offers are available
TNG-The Next Generation of Genealogy SitebuildingĀ© ("TNG") is a powerful way to
manage and display your family tree on your own website, all without generating any static HTML.
Instead, your information is stored in a database and the pages are created on
demand. All you need is a website and TNG! Current version for $35
Links to web sites that are not part of The USGenWeb Project are provided for
your convenience and do not imply any endorsement of the web sites or their
contents by The USGenWeb Project.
Page content reviewed and/or updated by the Advisory Board 2022 Dec
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with Project questions, suggestions, or concerns.
Contact any Web Management Team member for website questions, suggestions, or concerns.
Please include a link if your inquiry is about a specific page or Project website.